Friday, March 12, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions . . . Ugh, why can't I make decisions for myself? I'm so afraid I'll make the wrong decision that I don't make any decisions at all! I make a lot of lists about what I should do . . . but then . . . that's where it ends. I feel as though I've made so many wrong decisions in my life. When I sit down and look at it though I have made some pretty good decisions as well. The bad decisions seem to stick in my head more than the good ones. I think that's true for most people. I'm going to try to have more faith in myself. At least I think I'm going to . . . I'll have to make a list and see if that would be a good decision . . . . Hmmmm

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ahhhh - sunshine

What a gorgeous day! It was so nice to have a sunny warm day for a change! Spring fever . . . . love it. But in a way it's kind of a tease. Here's a beautiful day, enjoy it, soak up the sun, go outside and play . . . then the next day . . . just kidding - now it's cold and rainy. Grrr. At least this time of year we know the cold won't hang around for long. Kind of like life I suppose. We have beautiful days we just soak up . . . and days where the rain just keeps falling. I've had a lot of those rainy days. But maybe that's why I appreciate the beautiful days as much as I do. And what amazes me, without fail, is how God can take the bad/stupid choices I make and makes something good out of it.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I can't believe I haven't written on my blog for almost 1 1/2 years! Time to get back to it. I've been busy working, homeschooling, taking care of my family . . . . I've even joined Face Book. It has been awesome getting in touch with current friends and friends from the past. I've always been one of those people who gets attached to people very easily. And because of that, when people leave, it leaves a little bit of an empty space in my heart. Oh, except for the ones who were jerks. : ) Then I feel grateful. : ) haha I love seeing the wonderful faces of the people who have had a part of my life. We may not look like we did 25 years ago . . . . but that is kind of nice too. We aren't the same people as we were - we have grown both emotionally and physically (bellies??) haha - and it's a beautiful thing. : )